
Results 16 comments of Miranquil

真的,选来选去换来换去,最后还是中意Melody。 Yorushika Shi: https://sh.yorushika.xyz/

同意,原文的“接受完成”应该是相比要表达的意思多了”完成“两个字。 另外这句话的位置应该是 *1.5 面向并发的内存模型* 中的 *1.5.6 面向Channel的通信*。 等等…… **19年**的问题现在还没有修复?????

After more than one year, this issue still not fixed and victims still need to dig solutions out...


> @uloco You're right! So at last i do some tricks like this > > ... This is awesome!

Still you guys need a reproduction even such an easy-to-reproduce issue????? Here it is: ``` `gorm:"uniqueIndex:unique_index"` ```

Absolutely, yes. I encountered this issue under v1.23.8 and I searched the issues page and found this OPENING one. And you SHOULD reply this author EVEN he did not send...
