Bastian Brand

Results 6 comments of Bastian Brand

does it also work for CoLab?

What kind of image is this? "", # str (filepath or URL to image)in 'Image' Image component Cant I just say: False, # bool in 'Input Image' Checkbox component for...

I still do not get it. Shouldnt it be something like image.jg instead of a weird long number?

Thanks for this very to the point answer. This is super helpful. It really answers all the question. As you said, I was thinking about it along the lines of...

So I installed: pip install googletrans==4.0.0-rc1 --- still not working. Can anyone explain in detail?

It works. In your previous comment it was just not very clear that I also need to change the code. Obvious for a python expert, not clear and easy to...