Mickaël A.
Mickaël A.
Words flat
Hello. Thanks for your great work on image-match. This branch is a suggestion to store in ES the document in a "flat" way, rather than a field per word, i.e....
Issue #28. In the original phpGPX the bounds are taken from the GPX file, when it exists. However, when it does not in the file, it's worth computing it. Getting...
https://github.com/Sibyx/phpGPX/blob/ecde89a9268f78340fa9c016ff68115d3efa9a42/src/phpGPX/Models/Route.php#L102 In some sports or activities, including hiking, you could start from a higher point than the one you finish. Using the ElevationGainLossCalculator could return the lowest elevation in the...