Results 19 issues of mintty

Maybe you'd like to add mintty to your supporting terminal list on the libsixel project page. I've added a gnuplot screenshot to the mintty home page and I'd like...


ANSI colours 10, 11, 12 and 14 of the solarized themes are almost grey, not coloured. (mintty/mintty#683)

Apparently winpty transforms ESC characters on purpose ( and e.g. However, this raises problems with native Windows tools that try to apply ANSI features, esp. colour attributes (e.g.

As discussed in #14, there are two alternative launchers, `bash.exe` and `wsl.exe`. Apparently, with recent updates, `wsl.exe` when run without program parameters, invokes the default shell configured in WSL, while...

People keep requesting wsltty control over login shell behaviour. Could wslbridge add an option, like `-` or `-l`? Which would be propagated to argv[0] being stripped to its basename and...

If wslbridge is run from a non-WSL (cygwin/Windows) working directory and nothing is done to change the directory (like -C~ or WSL startup commands), the WSL shell normally starts in...

Opening a new general discussion issue instead of the two previous ones which are getting closed.

This issue shall communicate localization updates, especially requests for localization of new messages in addition to existing localization files. If you want to contribute a new localization, you can also...

help wanted

> Quick start > > Download a premade archlinux environment here. > > Extract it anywhere on your harddrive. Then run run_bash.cmd to open bash. You will get a minimal...