Min Thein Win
Min Thein Win
I'm using MP Library chart to show data real time data chart with different color depending on Y value condition in run real time every second data changes. private LineDataSet...
Library not working when call view R.id.textview error show Attribute value must be constant...
Hi , I use your library for calculation of color by average of between min value and max value. I don't know how to get color by progress value. colorSeekBar.setMaxProgress(8);...
I'm import your module library I got the issues Error------ Caused by: org.gradle.api.internal.plugins.PluginApplicationException: Failed to apply plugin 'com.github.dcendents.android-maven'. And then I also try using gradle library ....Not working because can't...
I had used Tplink camera connect with local IP without internet access. How to connect camera to watch video streaming from camera on local network without internet access. This sdk...
I integrated an MQTT broker into my app, establishing a connection between the Android device and the Mosquitto broker on a computer server. However, in my scenario, when I disconnect...
I'm using sdslite library for C# window application. using (Microsoft.Research.Science.Data.DataSet ds = Microsoft.Research.Science.Data.DataSet.Open("msds:nc?file=C:/Users/Min Thein Win/Downloads/myfile.nc&openMode=readOnly")) { Console.WriteLine(ds); // Console.WriteLine(ds.Metadata["comment"]); // var lat = ds.GetData("lat"); // Console.WriteLine($"latitude: len={lat.Length}, min={lat.Min()}, max={lat.Max()}"); }...
I want to return pdf view rotate to landscape. I call this method but not working. Please help. doc.addPage({ size: "LEGAL", layout: "landscape", });