Minseong Jang
Minseong Jang
**IMPORTANT**: You can look at rust's standard library doc, but you cannot look at the internal implementation of it. For example: - You can see the function signature and its...
- You can check the points for each section here: https://gg.kaist.ac.kr/course/12/ - T/F - Rust struct/enum - Rust generic/trait - Rust etc - Why3 - If you want to make...
Notice: There was one TF question in which all the answers were considered correct. For the score updates in Long question, we noticed you individually by e-mail. Statistics after claim...
@junsooo Thanks for suggestion! **IMPORTANT**: We added more test cases (https://github.com/kaist-cp/cs220/commit/c2df180b2e7ba90fdfc5601e7b06b9a1efe8f428) and nullified all previous submissions. Please check it and submit again.
**IMPORTANT**: We added test cases of `gcd` and `sum_array` (https://github.com/kaist-cp/cs220/commit/45225857e964e7ada1ce37110db28ff09d0c7a19) and nullified all previous submissions. Please check it and submit again. Sorry for the inconvenience.
@ironore15 Yes, you can assume the absence of integer overflow in task `chooses` and `fibonacci`. We updated description in https://github.com/kaist-cp/cs220/commit/26bc95d05726cd49e2d48f3308b96a7a75950e5d. Thank you for reporting.
@theonlyrealALEX To avoid integer overflow error, I recommend you to use [Pascal's triangle](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pascal%27s_triangle).
We updated the skeleton code of assignments. Please do `git pull` before submitting your solution. (https://github.com/kaist-cp/cs220/commit/04cfaf7b77c43273ea5bb2f2dab69931a9930f30) Since this update does not affect the score, we will not nullify the previous...
@wargij I also recommend you to check if your code pass the self-grader. (Related issue: https://github.com/kaist-cp/cs220/issues/13)
The accepted rate for the homework 2 is as follows. (Except for the students who dropped the course) - Total: 133 - Success: 129 - Success rate: 96.99%