Min RK

Results 1030 comments of Min RK

> How do other projects do this? [cibuildwheel](https://cibuildwheel.readthedocs.io) is becoming pretty standard as a way to build wheels for lots of platforms. You can see [pyzmq](https://github.com/zeromq/pyzmq/blob/v23.2.0/.github/workflows/wheels.yml) as an example that...

> the only purpose of the transient field is to assign a label to an Out[n]: cell No. `transient` is a field for any information about a display that should...

> > Before 5.1, individual outputs could not be addressed at all, because one cell can have many outputs. > Yet, IJavascript did and still does it by ensuring that...

> What I'm saying is that nbconvert and similar tools won't work as expected with kernels that send update_display_data messages (the reason being, as explained before, that update_display_data messages are...

Crap, that wasn't supposed to submit, yet. Continuing... Here's the kind of thing display_id does: > replace vs append in this discussion is a red herring This I think is...

> what you're saying is that msg_id's can't be used to update a cell output from another cell. This is not what I am saying. I think there's still some...

> Your example shows that display_id's allow multiple outputs per cell (herein, I'm going to call each output a display output). For a bit of clarification, multiple outputs per cell...

> The algorithm in IJavascript is as follows: That sounds very good, and should work well with all the existing display machinery, including display_id and update_display. It sounds like the...

> Does that mean that the display output associated with a display_id is ephemeral (transient like its display_id) and thus it shouldn't be displayed by nbconvert? > Is this also...

> Would, at least, that be OK? Yeah, definitely.