
Results 7 issues of minren118


用的是单元测试里的代码,但报错。 ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/28550438/72510144-deea7500-3883-11ea-8686-c02fdcf53960.png)

在nuget上找不到这个库的dll,而自己下载下来编译后测试,好多报错,不知道是不是自己操作不当的原因。 水平比较差,不懂太多,只想有个.net版本的可以用一下,我主要是做Excel开发的,想做点自定义函数出来。

In Excel file, I use the CustomXMLParts objects embedded in some XML information, look forward to in EPPLUS, to achieve a similar VBA CustomXMLParts. Add and CustomXMLParts SelectByID interface methods,...


Currently exporting Excel data, NumberFormat of Excel cell range is not set based on data type of DataTable ![image](https://github.com/EPPlusSoftware/EPPlus/assets/28550438/42e8a6cd-c010-4d1e-90fd-8e5d09995d22) It is recommended to add the ability to specify Excel Range...

needs investigation

In the chart object, when my chart series refers to the contents of an array instead of a range of cells, In the ChartSerie image of EPPLUS, only one Series...


Using the VSTO project, I was able to implement the webview2 display on the CustomTaskPane. but in Exceldna project,it will make Error in **await webView.EnsureCoreWebView2Async(webViewEnvironment);** the whole MyCustomTaskPane code is...