Minoru Akagi

Results 52 comments of Minoru Akagi

@MaxDragonheart in that case, use `app.loadJSONObject` instead of `app.loadJSONFile`.

#### Comparison Between Core 2.5D Renderer and Qgis2threejs Plugin Layer **Core 2.5D Renderer:** ![core25d](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/2672095/13519197/959777ba-e218-11e5-920b-52809c41831a.png) **Qgis2threejs Plugin Layer:** ![plugin25d](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/2672095/13519193/92b3a38e-e218-11e5-94d6-e3e37a39a6c1.png) Image was created with GSI Tiles (pale) and Fundamental Geospatial Data of...

#### Perspective camera mode added! **Orthographic camera:** ![ortho](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/2672095/14310649/0915f3fa-fc1e-11e5-8b24-22840cb187a6.png) **Perspective camera:** ![perspective](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/2672095/14310654/0ef0c3e0-fc1e-11e5-9e22-003f1163e42e.png) Images were created with OpenStreetMap (© OpenStreetMap contributors, [License](http://www.openstreetmap.org/copyright)).

`project.layers[0]` is a Q3D.DEMLayer object, not a THREE.Object3D-based object. `project.layers[0].objectGroup` is a THREE.Group object and you can add it to your AR scene.

Do you have original QGIS project? Duplicate the point layer in QGIS layer tree, and then include them to export with preferable settings.

See https://gis.stackexchange.com/questions/245993/dealing-with-nodata-value-of-ascii-grid-in-qgis2threejs-plugin

@itsyurig Can you check the validity of geometries of the polygon layer using check validity tool in processing toolbox or attach the file set of polygon layer to this issue?

It is not available. three.js has glTF exporter. It can export a 3D model and its textures to a single file. This is one of the advantages for plugin development...

Since elevation values are taken from the DEM only at vertices of linestrings, a part of the line will be hidden if there is a mountain between two vertices. You...

This might be a CRS issue. Is each layer CRS correctly set? When on-the-fly CRS transformation is enabled, are the data correctly drawn on the map canvas? ![image](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/2672095/20200312/e036a29a-a7f3-11e6-9fce-311e15748fdf.png) --- "relative...