Riccardo Caroli

Results 9 issues of Riccardo Caroli

Hello, I'm using this code, and basically the main.css is a .less file compiled, but also if I generate it in /src and get it useref(), the code gets executed...

with ``` // @codekit-prepend path/to/file.js // @codekit-append path/to/file.js ``` As I explained it's the syntax this 'precompiler' sofwares use. https://github.com/wiledal/gulp-include/issues/30 The lines added are very simple, I just: - added...

Would be great if this could work with the codekit includes for compatibility! (https://incident57.com/codekit/help.html#javascript) But it works a bit different, it can only append or prepend to the file and...


This PR contains a: - [x] **bugfix** - [ ] new **feature** - [ ] **code refactor** - [ ] **test update** - [ ] **typo fix** - [ ]...

- [ ] Code splitting `.html.js` and `.jsx` - [ ] Test bundle size lighthouse - [ ] gatsby `https://github.com/gatsbyjs/gatsby/issues/32262` `https://github.com/graysonhicks/gatsby-plugin-loadable-components-ssr/issues/38` `https://www.gatsbyjs.com/docs/reference/release-notes/v4.11/#react-18-rc` - [ ] provare gatsby v5 https://www.gatsbyjs.com/blog/gatsby-v5-alpha-is-here-and-its-pretty-exciting/

Hello, this seems a problem to me. With exportTo you tipically want already transformed values, this works if you have postcss plugins before postcss-preset-env, but postcss-preset-env should export after all...


- [x] Fix absolute bugs - [x] Tests - [ ] slider free + test - [ ] slider wheel free + test - [ ] slider absolute wheel +...

Hello, I'm trying to make a change page animation of hx-boost with javascript instead of view transition because I need to support ios and safari. For that I need a...

Hello, i've forked this plugin in our webgriffe projects, and with many iterations this is the final version of the recaptcha v3 we could come to. It has different features:...