Duong Minh Chien

Results 5 issues of Duong Minh Chien

We have the prop `renderUsername` but didn't use it before and we can't custom username's view. So I just return the `renderUsername` to allow custom username's view

Apple just updated the new config is `SFSafariViewControllerActivityButton` can you implement it in `inappbrowser`? https://developer.apple.com/documentation/safariservices/sfsafariviewcontrolleractivitybutton


Hi, can we have the output data like the release link, download url?

I'm showing multiple .riv files in the list, but the CPU getting high and the UI is dropping. When I'm showing only one file, the CPU still gets high, it...

### Description Seems you guys missing to convert the commands from string to number, I just added changes to fix it and make some function triggers by command work. ###...