MinJae Kwon (Miti)
MinJae Kwon (Miti)
Hi sandersantema. Yes, I'm using the iTerm2 too. The awesome TUI uses the ANSI Black as background. (from color scheme) But, iTerm2 allows someone can set the background color of...
I'm trying to find a solution for using color of terminal setting.
Thank you. I'll do it myself :D
@mhmdio Thank you for adding all the hashicorp services! As you said, creating the new `hashicorp` provider looks nice to me. Could you please work on it? (however, for backward...
Good ideas :) We can make a new provider for this special types, `data` provider for example.
I reproduced the same error with a slightly different error message. I'll check this issue. Thank you for reporting it.
Hi @niyazpk. This feature is cool interesting, and seems a little challengeable to me :) 1. Hiding the inner components below a particular depth might be not too hard, it...
What a great idea! It might be possible with [`Resource Graph`](https://www.terraform.io/docs/internals/graph.html) concept. Fortunately, terraform support `terraform graph` command (which generates Graphviz code), so we could read the terraform script like...