> > 未调度磁盘访问权限 > > 怎么打开磁盘wechattweak-cli的访问权限? u can refer to this issue. https://github.com/sunnyyoung/WeChatTweak-macOS/issues/582#issuecomment-1441206413
+1 相同的问题 WeChat Version 3.8.5 (27885) MacOS 14.1.1 (23B81)
> +1 相同的问题 WeChat Version 3.8.5 (27885) MacOS 14.1.1 (23B81) 重启电脑解决 希望可以增加重启WeChatTweak的命令/按钮。
同样的问题,每次想写一个列表,按下 "-" 和 space 就会跳出zoteroGPT,十分影响笔记记录
> Pressing space in the start of a new line is to open GPT in notes. not only in this situation, but also when I press "-" and space will...
> Can you elaborate on the port part and also check that you can access OpenAi from the remote server? thanks. I found that maybe it is because that my...