This occured perhaps due to wxwidgets-3.0. It introduced new methods in abstract classes. I put several stubs into the code in order to make it buildable on Debian "Stretch"/amd64. I...
Unfortunately I cannot upload a patch file here. It looks like my browser is far from being perfect, so am I.
diff -crB myrulib-0.29.16/myrulib-0.29.16/sources/MyRuLib/controls/FbNotebook.cpp myrulib-0.29.16-patched/myrulib-0.29.16/sources/MyRuLib/controls/FbNotebook.cpp *** myrulib-0.29.16/myrulib-0.29.16/sources/MyRuLib/controls/FbNotebook.cpp 2013-09-03 22:30:45.000000000 +0400 --- myrulib-0.29.16-patched/myrulib-0.29.16/sources/MyRuLib/controls/FbNotebook.cpp 2017-03-26 08:35:01.738502484 +0300 *************** *** 938,943 **** --- 938,963 ---- m_activeColour = colour; } \+ void WxAuiDefaultTabArt::DrawBorder( \+ wxDC&...