Mincheol Sung
Mincheol Sung
Hi, I couldn't understand what the code below is doing. ``` 152 #define IPC_CALL_FUNC(name, bench_func, send_func, call_func, send_start_end, length, cache_func) \ 153 seL4_Word name(int argc, char *argv[]) { \ 154...
Hi, Is there any dependency (gcc, clang version) to build mcfi? I tried to build mcfi on a ubuntu-18.04 with gcc-7 and clang-3.5 (which mentioned on README.md) but failed to...
1. 프로레스와 스레드의 차이를 설명해보세요. 스레드는 운영체제의 스케쥴러에 의해 관리되는 실행단위 입니다. 프로세스는 저장장치에 있는 프로그램이 메모리로 로드됐을때의 하나의 인스턴스입니다. 프로세스는 쓰레드에 의해서 실행됩니다. 하나의 프로세스에는 여러개의 쓰레드가 존재 할...
Hi, I edited `~/l4re-snapshot-22.04.0/obj/l4/amd64/conf/Makeconf.boot` then add `QEMU_OPTIONS += -drive file=~/l4re-snapshot-22.04.0/obj/l4/amd64/disk.img,format=raw,index=0,media=disk` to use a virtual storage. I launched l4linux-qemu by `make qemu` but could not find any storage in l4linux. How...
Hi, I am trying to run two rumprun instances on seL4. I called launch_process(bin_name, CONFIG_RUMPRUN_COMMAND_LINE, 1); launch_process(bin_name, CONFIG_RUMPRUN_COMMAND_LINE, 2); in run_rr() of rumprun-sel4-demoapps/roottask/src/main.c. Then I got below:
Hi, Why is the ipc_buffer_vaddr put in seL4_ARCH_PageTable_Map()? ipc_buffer_vaddr is the virtual address of the new physical frame allocated for the IPC buffer. I think seL4_ARCH_PageTable_Map's 3rd parameter is the...
Hi, Is there any way to print log message in a process created by benchmark_spawn_process? I tried ZF_LOG, benchmark_write, print but none of them worked.
I added a comment in https://github.com/seL4/camkes-manifest/issues/5, but the issue was closed so I'd like to post it as a new issue. I tried to run rumprun_hello with camkes but the...