
Results 3 issues of minamihoshi

# Issues Guideline Following information can help us to resolve the issue faster. * Library version 28 * Support version 28 场景: 使用MainActivity使用singleTask模式 退出登录后使用startActivity形式回到MainActivity后 MainActivity中fragment可以正常回调onResume方法 但onSupportVisible onSupportInvisible 方法失效

源码如下 private MotionEvent swapTouchEvent(MotionEvent event) { float width = getWidth(); float height = getHeight(); float swappedX = (event.getY() / height) * width; float swappedY = (event.getX() / width) * height;...


能否使索引下面的item项目grid排列而不是 线性垂直的