Šimon Demočko
Šimon Demočko
Same issue here. There's also CommandQapp.com but they want 12 dollars for the same thing :O omg
same issue here. There's also SlowQuitAppsLauncher between processes, you can kill that along the actual app and then run it and it works then. Hope for a fix 🤞
Yeah, it didn't work correctly even with a refresh. Actually, I found multiple unrelated bugs (around 5) with the glossary (which renders it unusable for us for the moment). Seems...
Nope. We decided to use Stoplight Studio. Working with files in Studio wasn't problematic so I even kind of forgot why I wanted to use this in the first place....
I was wondering about the same. I was using Stoplight Studio, cause that's quite amazing and free, but openapi-cli does some opinionated proprietary splitting which other tools do not consume....
If my understanding is correct, currently it's not possible to have additionalProperties of type object to work in the current java client generator. I do not see any intention to...
> Hi everyone, > > We are sorry that so many of you had issues with AlDente after the newest macOS update. We are aware of this issue but did...
Indeed works also on Brave with Chromium 108! Thanks!