Ivan Milutinović
Ivan Milutinović
Also doesn't seem to be working with [persistQueryClient](https://tanstack.com/query/v4/docs/plugins/persistQueryClient)
I have tried it. In react-query, you wrap your components with ``` ``` I'm guessing Jotai doesn't do that, but I haven't looked and the source of either libs. Currently...
Here you go my man [CodeSandbox](https://codesandbox.io/s/jotai-persisted-react-query-oj38rk) First time it renders, it fires both requests, on all subsequent renders, it fires only the jotai one. Clearing the localStorage fires both again.
Consider switching to https://github.com/TanStack/router?
This blog post explains all the advantages https://swizec.com/blog/tanstack-router-modern-react-for-the-rest-of-us/
Here you go https://stackblitz.com/edit/github-nmv8yb
Yeah sorry. Didn't see. I edited the template