Miloš Ljubinković
Miloš Ljubinković
@dleehr Bunny should process them properly now in the v1.0.4, can you confirm it works for your use case? Thanks.
Latest release v1.0.2 contains a windows rabix.cmd script that should be able to run on windows 10 in most situations (some features are still experimental)
Seems to be an issue between a library we use for dependency injection and java 9, next release we will update the library version and it should be fine.
Updated the lib version but they still haven't achieved full java9 support so some different weird log messages might still happen in some cases.
Hi, we've made a new release (v1.0.2) just now, this fix should be included inside.
Got interested in this because we had some similar issues with js. Seems that the default js version in our interpreter is ancient and stuff like this goes away when...
Seems like rhino doesn't support all ES6 features When we switch to nashorn it might work
I've checked and ` for (var i in x)` is supported in rhino currently and java 9.01's nashorn doesn't support `for ... of` but might in the future
Yes it seems that we have 2 different methods for path resolution, one that follows links used in resolving "--file" syntax and one that doesn't which is used everywhere else....
Hi, sorry for the way too late response, we had some team changes and some issues on the platform that we had to address first. Basic staging of secondary input...