Ramon Klein
Ramon Klein
@shan916 @purbon Creating confluent cloud managed connects works with julie-ops. I tested at least the creation of one successfully today (data-gen). You do it basically the same as with on...
I see this also...but dont know how to influence it. The root cause is that everything in protractor/jasmine is asyncronous.
Do you know that you can add an additional reporter alongside the htmlreporter? You could add a Junit reporter and then import the result in jenkins with the Junit plugin...
Making a screenshot (or better pdf) should be possible with opening the final report with phantomjs and make a pdf.
@RonanC If you don´t need screenshots it has the advantage that you can full integration into jenkinks
@RonanDConnolly another user meantioned in #161 that you can make pdfs with chrome just via commandline options. I created an example for that in the wiki. Please look at [Print-report-to-pdf](https://github.com/Evilweed/protractor-beautiful-reporter/wiki/Print-report-to-pdf)...
Thepdf is black and white though. I still have to find out how to print background colors with chrome.
I tried things to have logs other warning or error. It has to do something about the configuration of the webdriver: https://sites.google.com/a/chromium.org/chromedriver/capabilities I tried some things but it did not...
After each spec execution the report calls await browser.manage().logs().get('browser'); So yes, if during the execution of an "it" the browser refreshes the logs might be lost... Gathering of browser logs...
@rebajz It seems to be that this reporter already supports this: https://www.npmjs.com/package/protractor-html-reporter-2