Aura Lily Vulcano
Aura Lily Vulcano
Not pulling until I figure out how licensing affects contributions.
To answer your Codable question: Codable abstracts your serialization format from your type structure, and thus is suitable for all kinds of serialization, including cross-process and cross-machine. (One of its...
Typo: in ILSwapMutableItem docs, "Trying to produce an immutable item from such a mutable item has, in current releases of SwapKit, produces an undefined behavior." Kill the has.
Added kILSwapPrepareForTransferAction.
Added a number of common actions and made them public into ILSwapCommonActions.h. We may need more, so this bug isn't closed, but removing milestone-1 from it since I think it's...
60aacdee98716b01384083bf47799f9243a038a7 includes some work on this (most cases shouldn't dupe items in the app catalog anymore), but see #9.
2b2562714ec04830a565d7d72e69e3caadd844dd should fix most cases of this.
This applies to the Catalog app, not to the SK-managed app catalog in general.
Preconditions for releasing: Milestone 1 is achieved (see #7 for definition). All Milestone-1 bugs are closed. Mover 3.1 with preliminary support is produced.
Only some of the time. The API up to iOS 4.1 does not provide for a way to know who asked you to open a URL if the app was...