Milko Todorov

Results 19 comments of Milko Todorov

Hi @karldahlgren, that would be great. Thank you very much!

Hi @karldahlgren, sorry for the delay - I was on vacation the past week. Basic authentication would be enough for me and for our use-case. I suggest that this a...

Hi @mhewedy, I already did this (the provided example that I gave you), but within the downloaded WSDL, the dependent WSDLs are referenced with their remote location and not with...

This I don't know - we have credentials to access one, but we don't own it.

Hi @karldahlgren, @mhewedy, are there problems adding this user/password support?

Hi, did you has the change to look into this?

That would work yes, though if the expression is too long I find it easier to read when they are several smaller.

I think we need just one radio button saying how to combine all the expressions - OR or AND. Why need to be more complex? Currently actually it is not...

Hi, did you has the change to look into this?

Hi, I think the error comes from the validation of the WSDL which comes from Castlemock not from the original endpoint (if I point directly to it it works without...