Emilia Bopp

Results 55 comments of Emilia Bopp

I really don't know… This does not actually provide any type safety, it's more like waving a red flag: “Hey, you might potentially mess up memory management by using this!”...

Sure, but you are mostly asserting the memory-safety of whatever you are doing inside. I find it somewhat confusing to use the keyword to convey other semantics, that can't be...

This effectively adds some topology to this library. In particular, the trait effectively is a metric space `M` combined with some (small) constant `ε∈M`. Do floating point numbers form a...

Ok, I was not entirely sure about that, since one might want floating point numbers to fulfill weaker variants of these properties, e.g. multiplication and addition should be approximately associative....

@huonw that's not directly a problem, when you use another form of identity where `NaN != NaN`. But this may lead to other problems down the road, I guess.

Should the macros be packaged in separate crate btw? Quickcheck does it that way and I think this approach makes more sense, if you look at the `extern crate` declarations,...

Mind sebcrozet/nalgebra#60 for the implementation. The essence is to just ignore the least significant bits of the mantissa instead of specifying some arbitrary epsilon. This might also yield more consistent...

What about `[T; n]`? Could we add it to the list? Maybe up to `n = 32` like it's done in `std`.

Oh, wait, this is not done yet and has to be re-opened. My pull request #9 merely restructured the API to make this possible, the feature itself has not been...

Ah, thanks for finishing up. I kind of stopped in the middle of it and got distracted by more urgent matters. I did not think of that case, good that...