Rafael Milewski

Results 91 comments of Rafael Milewski

as a work around meanwhile this issue is not addressed, i have forked this repo and made the necessary changes for it to work along with someone else build tools......

this is currently the only thing avoiding me to use this lib for ages.. currently im happy with at-breakpoint .. but this seen a good alternative if wasn't for the...

Docker composer example: ```yaml open-api: image: redocly/redoc volumes: - ./documentation:/usr/share/nginx/html/documentation environment: SPEC_URL: documentation/OpenAPI.yaml REDOC_OPTIONS: >- hide-download-button=true disable-search=true ```

Can you show a screenshoot? it should look like this: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/2874967/114528278-73a47400-9c7b-11eb-8716-36f393e42a12.png)

Which browser are you using?

Hi, see this issue: https://github.com/dcasia/collapsible-resource-manager/issues/15#issuecomment-560407930

You shouldn't be putting `new \Czemu\NovaCalendarTool\NovaCalendarTool` on the path.. you need to manually set that path your custom tool has registered on the .vue files.. for example: 'path' => `/resources/my-custom-tool`

Is this package still needed now that nova 4 provides a better way to define menu/icons compared to v3?

Hey yes.. but you need to sort the Nova::tools property to set the order of things.. you can do it from the nova service provider register() method I believe