Miki Leskinen
Miki Leskinen
Backticks behave strangely with the extension, at least in JS. Without extension: when I type two backticks, two backticks appear and cursor is positioned after the backticks. When I press...
There should be an option for overriding the default behavior (fake/ignore ajax). Sometimes the default behavior should be to use real ajax by default. E.g. if tests require a running...
Almond (https://github.com/jrburke/almond) loads only modules with an explicit name. Related: https://github.com/jrburke/almond/pull/49 Dunno if this breaks require.js or something else, haven't tried :-) From [readme](https://github.com/jrburke/almond/blob/master/README.md): > It usually means that there...