Miloš Brecher
Miloš Brecher
Ahoj, dnes jsem si také všiml, že srozumitelnější popis jak formuláře pracují - takový, aby to Nette nováček snadno pochopil by byl potřeba. On to nakonec pokusy a omyly každý...
Hi, I have looked additionally into configuring Tracy in standard Bootstrap.php from nette/web-project skeleton, where is this code: ``` $configurator->enableTracy($appDir . '/log'); ``` So I have deeply reconsidered my original...
Hi, parameter $cols is very, very important, because emails can be in length up to 245 characters and if html attribute size ($cols) is missing, browsers render by default email...
the figure 245 characters I have found somewhere on internet. Important is the default size of email input approx. 20 characters. Many email addresses have more characters than 20 -...
1) I'am using $cols, simple way how to define length for each individual input, it doesn't belong to css, arguments: a. $length ($cols) + $maxLength depend on database meta data...
The name of the html attribute for input type=text is size: Define text input width with css ? Think about the real world. Forms are usually created in two...
From Twitter survey results that approx. 25% people consider attribute size sometimes as useful. So what would be the decision ??