@PaulKwMicrosoft > > It could also be allowed for other members of a structure, e.g. via some specifiers that relate to the semver annotations / allow inheriting members (the main...
@vladsud @DLehenbauer @dstanesc This draft PR is the partial PoC implementation of the general compression of summaries at the Fluid Framework. It is not fully implemented and is not expected...
Maybe also relevant for @justus-camp
> Summary partitioning algorithm (equally probabilistic or explicit) will rather produce (for typical use-cases) smaller size blobs, to be optimized heuristically per each individual domain/case but likely in the (min...
> As mentioned above, I have my mind on the logical _differentiation between compression for the data transfer and the compression for the data storage_. They are conceptually orthogonal and...
@vladsud @DLehenbauer This PR is now ready for review and possible merging.
It looks like the summarize is not invoked anymore. Tested at f4a7c43b7db6ca9d4cfc0645c06bf8a1d7e82a5c.
This looks to happen to other applications either.
The problem was already fixed at 20.09.2022
@vladsud Thank you for pointing to this. For me it is not showstopper anymore, I was able to use the way via factory. In any case, it looks to be...