Michele Salerno
Michele Salerno
From issue [#78](https://github.com/bertvv/ansible-role-bind/issues/78) Add 'dnssec-keygen' for domains. Add with conditionals True or False for keygen
create sub-repo for ansible installing. example i have create first testing... see https://github.com/mikysal78/ansible-streama
* Distribution: Debian * Codename: Buster. * Arch: 64 Bits * Database: MySQL # Log mail.err root@mx:log # more mail.err Jan 27 00:31:53 mx dovecot: imap-login: Error: Diffie-Hellman key exchange...
I have testing on raspberry with debian 11 but postgis is not installed.
evaluating recompile as a bare variable, this behaviour will go away and you might need to add |bool to the expression in the future. Also see CONDITIONAL_BARE_VARS configuration toggle.. This...
Maintainer: @HRogge Environment: OpenWrt 19.07, TP-Link (3600, 4300, C2600), Linksys wrt3200acm and gl-mt300n. The system for compiling is Debian 11. Description: I using openwrt 19.07 and one year old no...
Please, can you write a a netdiff parser for fetching routing info from bird daemon version 2?
old version use dnssec-keygen now is ddns-confgen for bind_dns_keys and bind_key_mapping, which one should I use: - -s name: domain name to be updated using the created key or -...
https://github.com/openwisp/ansible-openwisp2/blob/4f0a14825ccc7abfd9727391a0b2b9027a711d26/tasks/apt.yml#L143 i have this error: ``` ASK [openwisp.openwisp2: Add deadsnakes PPA] ************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** Tuesday 13 September 2022 23:07:37 +0200 (0:00:03.758) 0:02:51.539 ***** fatal: [controller.nnxx.ninux.org]: FAILED! => changed=false msg: 'Failed to update...
20 euro router everything works. 200 euro router not working. Absurd that the firmware is not developed to give support! I wanted a superior performance router and you can't use...