Michele Salerno
Michele Salerno
I try comment task/apt.yml lines: ``` # - name: Add deadsnakes PPA # apt_repository: # repo: ppa:deadsnakes/ppa # state: present ``` and now ``` TASK [openwisp.openwisp2 : Install Python 3.7]...
@emsu-io-suefke i try modify the file apt.yml to: ``` - name: Should Install Python 3.7 block: - name: Check installed python version command: "{{ openwisp2_python }} --version" register: openwisp2_installed_python changed_when:...
Hi, idem... i have this: OpenVPN parsing error: expected valid format: time data '2023-04-05 21:38:47' does not match format '%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y'\"" I have OpenVPN 2.5.1 on server...
Hi, i have same problem ``` OpenVPN parsing error: expected valid format: 'da:d6:61:1e:21:ec@0' does not appear to be an IPv4 or IPv6 address ``` I using OpenVPN 2.5.1 and file...
Il giorno sab 2 nov 2019 alle ore 01:25 davidc502 ha scritto: > The router is great. Might have considered buying some nice AP's to > complement. > Maybe you...
Il giorno dom 3 nov 2019 alle ore 12:13 ratsputin ha scritto: > Along the lines of @mikysal78 ’s original > issue, I was able to implement a WDS-based mesh...
Hi, when will the repo be updated? best regards.