Michele Salerno
Michele Salerno
> For TSIG keys, it must be generated with HMAC algorithms. According to this manpages you should try tsig-keygen. Check: https://manpages.debian.org/bullseye/bind9/tsig-keygen.8.en.html > > Always check man pages if help command...
> Thays wierd. Thia PR does not touch this part of original code. > > I cant replicate your exact error. I Will try to help. > > Upload your...
With the new commits is perfect!
@bertvv You need to see and testing this PR! The PR author @brunobenchimol uses RedHat, I use Debian. It works just fine. In my opinion it is a PR to...
> Pull request to fix this issue: #407 When will the merge be done? As of today, if you don't have ubuntu, you can't upgrade or install!
I tried after the merge but I get the same error. On my notebook i have os debian11.5 and i have this version of ansible (idem on server): ``` michele@mikytux:/git/new-server$...
Hi, my hosts files (ansible -i hosts...) is this: ``` ## Global Vars [all:vars] ansible_python_interpreter=/usr/bin/python3 ansible_port=2400 [common] controller.nnxx.ninux.org ansible_user=root [openwisp2] controller.nnxx.ninux.org ansible_user=root [CaptivePortal] wifi.nnxx.ninux.org ansible_user=root [openvpn] openvpn.nnxx.ninux.org ansible_user=root [dns_server] ns1-basilicata.ninux.org...
now try to cange line to file hosts from: controller.nnxx.ninux.org ansible_user=root to [openwisp2] controller.nnxx.ninux.org ansible_user=root ansible_python_interpreter=python3 bat: ``` TASK [openwisp.openwisp2 : Check installed python version] ***************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** Monday 24 October 2022...
Try to purge from apt python2.7 and reboot my notebook. ``` TASK [openwisp.openwisp2 : Check installed python version] ***************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** Monday 24 October 2022 19:58:50 +0200 (0:00:02.779) 0:03:07.376 ******** ok: [controller.nnxx.ninux.org]...
is normal when run: ``` - debug: msg: "Python version: {{ openwisp2_should_install_python_37 }}" ``` result is: ``` TASK [openwisp.openwisp2 : debug] ****************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** Tuesday 25 October 2022 23:28:40 +0200 (0:00:00.296) 0:03:04.838...