Anybody can help me what' wrong code? I use Nativescript 6 & nativescript-plugin-firebase 10.6.3 If I use fireBase.analytics.logEvent this params work in firebase debug view ``` let fireParams = [...
Dear @EddyVerbruggen, GoogleAnalitycs 4 insert a lot of new params. If we want to use these we must have update the SDK. We use NS 6. and our client want...
# Summary Production page bad-precaching-response :: [{"url":"_next/server/font-loader-manifest.js","status":500}] # Versions - `next-pwa`: 5.6.0 - `next`: 13.0.6 # Screenshots # next.config.js ``` const runtimeCaching = require('next-pwa/cache'); const withPlugins = require('next-compose-plugins'); const {...