> * For data preprocessing, the semantic label is kept still but the center and keypoint offset map should be modified. Specifically, take the center offset map as an example,...
> @ mikkeljakobsen @alanxuefei Hi,have you completed the project task of multiple instances of similar objects?Can you share your successful experience,thank you! Sorry, I didn't manage to train MoreFusion on...
I did not manage to get it working with ROS melodic and python-rosdep. It worked with python-rosdep2, but it did remove most of my ROS installation as you say.
> > I did not manage to get it working with ROS melodic and python-rosdep. It worked with python-rosdep2, but it did remove most of my ROS installation as you...
I solved the issue by running `ldconfig`. Apparently this was not needed when using python-rosdep2.