Currently, we have `extern` zserio type which means some array of bits. Because we have introduced new zserio type `bytes` (see #448), we might probably consider to introduce new zserio...
It is much easier to read sources which are all formatted applying the same rules. Because of that integrate [black tool](https://black.readthedocs.io/en/stable) directly to CI to check all Python sources automatically....
**Zserio version and language** Zserio: 2.13 Language: C++11, MinGW 7.5.0, Debug **Describe the bug** If C++11 is used for MinGW 7.5.0, Debug, the C++ runtime tests fail with the following...
Please, improve documentation in main README.md file for Java, Python, HTML and XML generator. As an inspiration please take main README.md file in C++ introducing content and brief description of...
**Zserio version and language** Zserio: 2.13 Language: Python 3.12.3 **Describe the bug** If new Python version 3.12.3 is used, the Python runtime tests fail with the following error: ``` ERROR:...
Consider the following schema: ``` struct WrongSchema { uint32 myOffset; uint8 optionalValue if myOffset == 4; myOffset: string stringValue; }; ``` Such schema is not possible to fill by data...
Consider the following schema: ``` struct OffsetHolder { uint32 roomOffset; }; struct Room(OffsetHolder offsetHolder) { offsetHolder.roomOffset: uint16 roomId; }; struct School { uint16 schoolId; OffsetHolder offsetHolder; Room(offsetHolder) room; }; ```...
Currently, the indexed offsets have the following syntax: ``` struct Schema { offset myOffsetArray[]; uint8 someValue; myOffsetArray[@index]: string stringArray[]; }; ``` Because offset expressions will be disabled (#641), we can...
**Zserio version and language** Zserio: 2.14.0 Language: N/A **Describe the bug** Duplicated offsets should be disabled because schema with duplicated offsets cannot be read correctly. **How to reproduce** Consider the...
It would be more convenient for users, if Zserio will support directly the offset type: ``` struct Schema { offset32 myOffset; uint8 someValue; varsize someVariableSizedValue; myOffset: string stringValue; }; ```...