Michael Solomon
Michael Solomon
@mastermatt [`axios`](https://github.com/axios/axios/blob/7821ed20892f478ca6aea929559bd02ffcc8b063/lib/adapters/http.js) does plenty of manipulation on the response object for example. > these cases as it could cause all sorts of other, unsuspecting issues. Interesting, like what?
@mastermatt see #2211
@ncannasse what about performance? I mean, if feature X will develop in Haxe->Ocamel it will be slower than if written in Ocamel directly? the difference is negligible?
@nanjizal Please discuss about his awesome project in its repo. Guys, please stay focus on the subject, we want this issue will be readable in the near future :)
* app load (Request Per Minutes) * typescript or javascript
I'm thinking about going back from typescript to plain js (I want to skip the build and use `tsc` only for type-checking). I want to join my friend's question. I'd...
I really enjoyed this conversation and I think it adds A LOT to the practice. @goldbergyoni maybe we should tie such discussion to the point itself? in the README Maybe...
Sounds great!
Not sure I understand, can you please elaborate?
* Not from API POV, but for the developers to make sure the database is in the state they think it is. so yes IMO * if there is such...