Results 12 comments of MK

I think initialization by `..Default::default()` is ok for me . yeah, if the Crevice could support both converts, modify, and verify these three use cases that would be best...

Motivation * Clippy complains float compare in intersections impl. * Raytracing need abstaction of `epsilon` * Picking need raycast param like screen space tolerance Resolved by: IntersectAble now has third...

The current implementation uses the core::num::i32::from_str_radix to parse an int in the tokenization stage, which doesn't allow any space between the preceding '-' and number literals. I think for const...

update: when I add depth buffer and depth test, everything fine/

The line of code doesn't save, but only for passing the wgsl validation case that: ``` fn test(a: array) { for(var i:i32 = 0; i

update: we impled interpolate api now: ``` impl ShaderGraphProvider for PhysicalMaterialGPU { fn build( &self, builder: &mut ShaderGraphRenderPipelineBuilder, ) -> Result { builder.fragment(|builder, binding| { let uniform = binding.uniform_by(&self.uniform, SB::Material).expand();...

Thanks for answering. I miss the previous solid discussion in the repo. I think the current approach is acceptable, but there may still be room for improvements for better ergonomics.

I don't think wgpu is responsible to handle the compilation process of multiple wasm binaries and browser feature detection. Although it's a feasible way to solve this issue, it should...

> Feature detection is, in my opinion, wgpu already does this with the other backends on the desktop. Actually no, the wgpu backend selection is in compile time (through cargo...