Michael 'Misha' Litchev

Results 41 issues of Michael 'Misha' Litchev

## Description There are several areas of the repo that are still using the Bootstrap form components FormGroup, FormControl, ControlLabel, and HelpBlock. These should be migrated to Material UI (FormControl,...

good first issue

## Description There are several areas of the repo that are still using the Bootstrap form components FormGroup, FormControl, ControlLabel, and HelpBlock. These should be migrated to Material UI (FormControl,...

good first issue

We want to have user's get a quick tour of the functionality across the entire application, as well as functionality within a specific module. We are currently using the `reactour`...

Let's see where we are in terms of our Core Web Vitals - let's take a review of our LCP (Largest Contentful Paint), FID (First Input Delay) and CLS (Cumulative...

We are looking for someone who loves gaming, and who would take on the role of curating a new collection in the Library of Context - web-based, preferably open source...

A good chunk of the OS, like many before it, was designed for desktop experiences. However, for modules like the Arena - the user's will at least half the time...

help wanted

VictoryCharts takes up a good amount of space in our `stats.html` breakdown of npm modules that is generated when we run vite build. We are only using one chart, and...


We want to utilize WebRTC to create a 1:1 chatroom for people to have simple video chat over the inter webs. I'm assigning this to myself, but I will update...


Right now, in the `Analytics.jsx` file, we have a simple chart that shows weekly completion percentage performance - we want to add historical data. If a particular user has multiple...


Right now, we can create our own Sprint Template. However, we can only pick out of the items that I created in my external admin portal. However, we want to...

help wanted
good first issue