Michael Teo

Results 77 comments of Michael Teo

Still receiving same error in Ninja Framework 6.2.2.

Maybe my solution can help you. It also uses HikariCP to setup connection pools for each of the database source. https://github.com/miketeo/ninja-multidb-demo

@raphaelbauer : ninja-db looks interesting. The JPA mechanism used in the current ninja framework is sufficient for common use cases. ninja-db will empower the developer to use ninja framework for...

I don't think ninja-db supports multi-tenancy out-of-the-box, although you can use the same schema across multiple datasources to create a similar multi-tenancy result. But you might still need to come...

@cjsoftuk : I will run some tests over the weekend to determine if WRITE_DAC is needed. If not, I will remove it in the next pysmb release.

@cjsoftuk : I have committed a revision (69e3202d426a1ade6208f8461f00cac88031d65a) which removes the WRITE_DAC flag during store files and make directory operations. Can you help test if it resolves the issue on...

Can you drop the domain parameter and use: ```conn = SMBConnection(username, password, '5CG1094TZH', 'cifstxsha')``` I'm assuming that you have verified that the SMB service "cifstxsha" is running on

When the SMBConnection is aborted like this, it usually means that the remote service is not listening on the port. Does the NAS appear on your Windows network?

I will have to look deeper into this as I still intend to support python 2.7 A quick glance on pytest reveals that it needs python 3.5+

I see. Thanks. I will keep that in mind when I go through the options.