Mike Tang
Mike Tang
I will dive in. Thanks for starting up.
If the cloud part is failed, no new nodes can connect to it and participate in its network. I think cloud part can be p2p also.
local luv = require('luv') local zmq = luv.zmq.create(2) local cons = luv.fiber.create(function() local sub = zmq:socket(luv.zmq.PULL) sub:connect('tcp://') ``` -- local pub = zmq:socket(luv.zmq.PUB) -- pub:bind('tcp://') local pub = zmq:socket(luv.zmq.PUSH) pub:bind('tcp://')...
hi, hundt, hi, what is the latest dev progress on ray branch? It seems having new features than luv. Good luck.
It is at https://github.com/daogangtang/lgserver I tested it, it only support tens cocurrencies, while cocurrencies rise, lgserver blocked and no response to tester. maybe I am not very familiar with luv...
hi, I wrote a pub/sub test, pub: local pub = zmq:socket(luv.zmq.PUB) pub:bind('tcp://') sub: local sub = zmq:socket(luv.zmq.SUB) sub:connect('tcp://') sub:setsockopt("SUBSCRIBE", '') pub:send(msg) can work, bug sub:recv() is blocked always, no data...
Hi, I'm designing the feature of supporting the postgres as a host component, the first problem is: The client.query() returns `Vec` which is defined in https://docs.rs/tokio-postgres/0.7.6/tokio_postgres/row/struct.Row.html. And the outbound-redis sample...
Hi, is there any plan for supports for db clients' handle, such as pg client, mysql client, sqlite client, redis client? Thank you.
now support json, but how about jsonb?