Mike Song

Results 5 issues of Mike Song

according to git blame history, some part was written 5 years ago, totally unconsistent with current setting: > ### Top level keys > package -- The package name of your...


From the user's viewpoint, `single_file=true` should lead to single output changelog file; but according to code, `single_file=true` means variable output files. Should we change the code or deprecate the `single_file`...

### What would you like to be added? wild card filter in input parameter "name" for example, if first upload multiple versions of artifacts as: > - uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3 >...


### Pre-flight checklist - [X] I have read the [contribution documentation](https://github.com/electron-userland/electron-forge/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md) for this project. - [X] I agree to follow the [code of conduct](https://github.com/electron/electron/blob/main/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md) that this project uses. - [X]...


All tests passed for _**Debug**_ build type, but failed at "DeathNoAllocNewHook" for _**Release**_ build type. It seems that `NewHook` not called when testing `new int`; ``` $ ./loggint_unittest [==========] Running...

PR welcome