I love this plugin. It would also be nice if locations in the jump list were visible, so I could use `c-o` and `c-i` to jump directly to them. I...
I made a `.vimrc` that does the same as this plugin, plus more. I suggest you take whatever you like from it: I wrote a script that extracts differences between...
Since Vim 8, you can remove these from your [SUGGESTED MINIMAL SETTINGS FOR PROGRAMMING](https://github.com/romainl/idiomatic-vimrc#suggested-minimal-settings-for-programming): ``` filetype plugin indent on syntax on set autoindent set ruler ``` I prefer this minimal...
It would be useful if subsequent matches for f/F/t/T where highlighted with numbers instead of the search character. For example, if your text is `|Mississippi, Missouri` and you type `fi`,...
This is a place for people to post their stories about how Tunic worked for them. Tell us which distro you chose and if you installed as dual boot, or...
The Tunic GUI will be rewritten in Python 3 / Gtk3 to resolve severe limitations of Powershell. This will help enable: * Support for Windows 7, 8, 8.1 * Support...
I love that which-key shows my marks when I pause after `'`. It would be even nicer if the marks were highlighted in the current buffer. I think you could...
It appears that Jetbrains IDEs cannot detect that nuxt-content is a registered component. No other component modules I use have this problem. This problem is more serious than this. The...
Include script to install termux-api in the alpine environment. One way to do this is supply an optional script, `install-termux-api`: ``` #!/bin/sh set -eu apk info 2>/dev/null > apk-before.txt apk...
Adds all groups using [--group-add](https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/run/#additional-groups). When using docker.inside() or a Docker agent, --user is passed to assume the Jenkins user's identity, but this only works for the user id and...