HI My query is partly relevant to the issue here: [https://github.com/juanjosegarciaripoll/emacs-build/issues/5](https://github.com/juanjosegarciaripoll/emacs-build/issues/5). The title pretty much says it all. It's an error message I get when your build script tries to...
Hi I'm trying to get el-get working in Windows native Emacs 26.3 64-bit for Windows 10 (Pro) in line with Jessica Hamrick's post at [http://www.jesshamrick.com/2012/09/18/emacs-as-a-python-ide/](http://www.jesshamrick.com/2012/09/18/emacs-as-a-python-ide/). If you check her post...
Hi Sergey I'm sure I'm just overlooking somethnig obvious. I (think) I'm haing problems gettnig binder to take the config file into account. The over all structure is very simple....
Hi so I've managed to build emacs in Ubuntu 21.10 with gccemacs and pgtk and your emacs-webkit. Everything goes swimmingly except for one thing: namely, that every time I need...
Hi I'm a wee bit confused. I'm using spacemacs with a github.com/konstare/emacs-gcc-pgtk build of emacs 29.0.50. I don't use an xserver because I'm running Ubuntu 21.10 with wayland. For most...
Hi I keep getting the error in the title. If I start Emacs 28.0.50 with emacs-webkit with the --debug-init this is what I get: ``` Debugger entered--Lisp error: (void-function org-link-set-parameters)...