Mike Penz

Results 103 comments of Mike Penz

if there would be something in the log which I can provide to help resolving this problem or anything else that would be great :/ it's adding significant of additional...

I started to look further into the issue and I identify the problem. It's actually a race condition + lock on the main thread between the latch which waits for...

Something like this may work: https://github.com/mikepenz/android-test/tree/fix/676 ?

Thank you @wseemannroku for the report. I'll need to have a closer look on that. ---- Really appreciate your sponsor!

This could possibly take more time to resolve. It looks gradle does not resolve the module artifacts associated with the platform specification, like it would do for other artifacts. Resulting...

As an initial step yes. I'll need to look how it's handled there, as while the plugin sees it, the related artifact files are not resolved which results in the...

As a temporary (manual) solution if the `platform` dependencies are at a minimum, you can provide libraries/licenses which will be included: https://github.com/mikepenz/AboutLibraries#libraries

Thank you for the report @ILikeYourHat I'll need to dig deeper into this. A quick peak into the repo looked like it is not straight forward to come to a...

@ILikeYourHat would be surprised it being the typesafe project accessors, using it personally in a few projects. Do you see any other missing dependencies beside the aboutLibraries one itself? Do...

Could you possibly attach the generated file to this ticket? Any helpful output in the gradle log when running `./gradlew findLibraries` ? (v10 allows the generated file to be included...