Mike Over

Results 9 issues of Mike Over

Please see the issue I raised at: https://github.com/FirebaseExtended/reactfire/issues/433. I went through the upgrade process but was having issues. I took the example stackblitz at https://stackblitz.com/edit/reactfire-v4-issue-433?file=index.js and replaced my local `index.jsx`...

Kind of a beginner question, but how do you install this package? I have everything else installed with el-get but this package doesn't seem to be in there, so what...

Just installed and created my first post, ran 'rake generate' and it's just hanging after 15 minutes. Configuration from /path/to/config/jekyll/_config.yml Auto-regenerating enabled: /path/to/config/jekyll -> ../../public/blog [2015-12-13 17:12:09] regeneration: 1 files...

I did yum install python-crypto python-requests. Python-crypto installed but python-requests said No Package found. Then when running pythong test-decrypt.py I get: Traceback (most recent call last): File "test-decrypt.py", line 5,...

I don't think this library will work anymore with Amazon Product Advertising API 5.0 and will be useless after the old version is discontinued on 3/9/2020. Any plans to update...

Looks like the button to open the picker has the fipicon-angle-down hard-coded? I'm using font awesome v4, is there a way to customize this as the icon doesn't show up...

Has anyone successfully integrated this with https://github.com/react-boilerplate/react-boilerplate? I started with the boilerplate with no changes, added this package, added redux-thunk, put AuthGlobals right under AppWrapper in App/index.js, and in app.js,...

Omniauth allows the disabling of SSL verification with something like: `:client_options => { :ssl => { :verify => !Rails.env.development? } }` Is there anyway to utilize this with OpenID Connect...

I'm getting a 401 Unauthorized during the callback phase and it's not clear why. I'm wondering if I could have something wrong with my configuration or if there's an issue...