Mike Oertli
Mike Oertli
I finally had a chance to dig into this a little bit - apologies in advance as I haven't really done much with Alfred workflows and not much more with...
Related (I believe): #11 #10 Info about what I believe to be a fix: https://github.com/mariuskiessling/alfred-airpods-connector/issues/9#issuecomment-1003440589
For me, I had a `buildx` builder that was "corrupt" for lack of a better word. This worked for me... ``` # get the name of the multi-arch builder docker...
Same here (macOS 12.6 and 2.1.7-beta installed w/ brew), same result. As a workaround... I noticed that if I start it unmanaged (CLI: `espanso start --unmanaged`) it appears to work.
That is odd... which architecture are you running? I'm on an M1. If I run `which espanso` I get `/opt/homebrew/bin/espanso` and my `$(brew --prefix)` is `/opt/homebrew/` which is expected for...
@nikolai-cc same here, good call! Thank you!
I'll make a PR if I get a chance, but in the meantime, here is some info that might help. I believe the issue boils down to differences between `bash`...
> Hey @mikeoertli, thanks for updating the workflow. In case you're still maintaining the fork: BluetoothConnector seems to have some problems with Ventura ([lapfelix/BluetoothConnector#20](https://github.com/lapfelix/BluetoothConnector/issues/20)). Switching to [blueutil](https://github.com/toy/blueutil), which is still...