Mikel Nelson
Mikel Nelson
I probably should have opened an issue and a feature request. The issue: 1) original values.yaml with the following changes: - loadBalancer.enabled: false - loadBalancer.port: 5434 - replicaLoadBalancer.enabled: false -...
Yes, the origin repository URL (or path etc) is the desire.
get gives some info: ```HELM_HOME=/Users/mikel_nelson/dev/cloud/clusterops-stuff/CManMon/krakenzip/tahoe.cluster.cnct.io/kraken/tahoe/.helm helm --tiller-namespace kraken get prometheus-operator REVISION: 1 RELEASED: Mon Apr 30 08:38:39 2018 CHART: prometheus-operator-0.0.19 USER-SUPPLIED VALUES: {} COMPUTED VALUES: ``` A new meta data...
Seems like probably adding to hapi/release/release.proto or maybe hapi/release/info.proto