Mike Kaganski
Mike Kaganski
Visual Studio 2015 project file has RandomizedBaseAddress set to false (for all configurations), and DataExecutionPrevention set to false (for 32-bit). Can those features be enabled?
The .cpp files include out-of-US-ASCII (>127) character "©", which causes this warning (and error when `-werror` is used globally): ``` ..\src\log.cpp : error C2220: warning treated as error - no...
When using 32-bit TWAIN_32.dll from Windows (any version, including Win10x64), VIA sources are available to TWAIN clients in manager using WIA-TWAIN compatibility layer of WIA technology (as described at https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-hardware/drivers/image/wia-core-components),...
The MSVC projects contain a call to PostBuildEvent.bat that copies twain.h to %ProjectDir%..\pub\include\twain. This has two drawbacks: 1. The header is absent in the said directory until the project is...
TWAIN_DSM_VS2010.vcxproj and TWAIN_DSM_VS2015.vcxproj* don't get to the release tarballs (including latest 2.4.1). This disallows using the downloaded tarball as external project with MSBuild toolchain on VS2015.
https://github.com/boostorg/spirit/blob/59515f0e56aebdf958eadab30be99cac8872e723/include/boost/spirit/home/classic/iterator/impl/file_iterator.ipp#L183 `CreateFileA` call uses `FILE_SHARE_READ` as sharing mode. This makes this call fail, when the file is already open for writing, as explained at https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/fileapi/nf-fileapi-createfilea#parameters (see `dwShareMode`). To allow opening...
map::at() is implemented using at_impl, which itself is: ```c++ template static inline constexpr auto& at_impl(This&& self, KeyType const &key) { auto where = self.lower_bound(key); if (where != self.end()) return where->second;...
- Make sure that correct view is active during tile painting - Add "Formula Object" button to Insert tab of notebookbar in Draw/Impress
In LibreOffice, Firebird Embedded is built using this sequence (simplified; the script is [here](https://git.libreoffice.org/core/+/31c5e451f57ad6172188fddfde5b66ead6f97627/external/firebird/ExternalPackage_firebird.mk)): ```bash ./configure --without-editline --with-wire-compress=no --enable-shared --disable-static make ``` The resulting DLLs (`libfbclient.so`, `libEngine12.so`, and the directory...