Michael Jackson
Michael Jackson
recipyCommon/version_control.py does: ``` def add_git_info(run, scriptpath): ... try: run["gitorigin"] = repo.remotes.origin.url except: run["gitorigin"] = None ``` However, this assumes that the Git repository has a remote called "origin" and, if...
Using the development review as a starting point (#31), and with the results of the community survey (#28), produce a short document that explains the benefit and popularity of BoneJ,...
Either the content, or a link to the appropriate web pages.
Based on Development review, a refactored and expanded test infrastructure and test suites. Depends on: #31
Community outreach to solicit recruits for development tasks and/or responsibilities, feedback on web site and project plans, other requirements seen as important by the community.
Currently defoe/papers/queries/target_concordance_collocation_by_date.py returns: ``` { : [ [, , , ], [, , , ], ... ], : ... } ``` Turn the lists into dicts with `filename`, `keyword`, `concordance`,...
This provides more user control over the volume of data returned for each match. Update: ``` defoe/alto/queries/keyword_concordance_by_word.py defoe/alto/queries/keyword_concordance_by_year.py defoe/papers/queries/keyword_concordance_by_date.py defoe/nzpp/queries/keyword_concordance_by_date.py ``` The following query: ``` defoe/papers/queries/target_concordance_collocation_by_date.py ``` provides a more...