Michael Jackson
Michael Jackson
I am a developer on https://github.com/riboviz/riboviz and this new attribute caused problems for our team also. We use `h5diff` to compare H5 files for equality within our regression tests and...
@grimbough I think that an "equivalent h5diff() function in rhdf5 with some more options than the standard h5diff" would be very useful. We currently call `h5diff` via operating system calls...
I think it's a good idea to explore. It's always bugged me a little bit that a Python install is a prerequisite for this lesson, which is a heavyweight prerequisite...
Forwarded draft to @mdoube.
A review is in the development review (#31).
A CMS will be adopted. 3 popular choices are, - [Drupal](http://www.drupal.org/) - [Joomla](http://www.joomla.org/) - [Wordpress](http://www.wordpress.org/) See a [comparison](http://www.rackspace.com/knowledge_center/article/cms-comparison-drupal-joomla-and-wordpress)
Include: - Meta-manual (#34) - Coding standards (#32) - Contribution policy (#30)
This is available as a Google form [online](http://tinyurl.com/bonejcommunity) and is linked from the [BoneJ](http://bonej.org) web-site.
Forwarded summary to @mdoube on 18/07/13
To get BLN/TDA article text requires pulling out content from the article's element in a single XML document. In Papers Past New Zealand newspapers data set, each issue is spread...