Mike Hardy

Results 1618 comments of Mike Hardy

Oh! That changes things if I misread that, sorry everyone. So this should be fixed but is not? 🤔

At this point even discussing Flipper implies you're two major versions behind here and failing steadily further back as it doesn't work with use_frameworks. I don't see Flipper prioritized for...

Popped again in react-native-firebase https://github.com/invertase/react-native-firebase/issues/6583

@mhtydv93 you might like my fork, it's moved on quite a bit and works in a modern react-native app https://github.com/mikehardy/react-native-update-apk - and I'm not trying to play any political games...

Nothing to feel sorry for @parryworld - life is supposed to move on and progress isn't it? and with open source people can figure it out. Eventually I will move...

Android 7 requires FileProviders I have a fork going at npmjs.com/package/rn-update-apk / mikehardy/react-native-update-apk - released there with an example app to make sure I didn't break anything It implementes FileProviders...

I have a fork going here npmjs.com/package/rn-update-apk / mikehardy/react-native-update-apk - released there with an example app to make sure I didn't break anything The example shows you how to use...

Hi! @parryworld - this is a nice simple library that does what I need, but are you still maintaining it? It does not seem like it will work without this...

@carvalhonm - I'm giving it a go here https://www.npmjs.com/package/rn-update-apk / https://github.com/mikehardy/react-native-update-apk - it's fixed and released there with an example app to make sure I didn't break anything

I'm trying to update this module since I want to use it - I'm giving it a go here https://www.npmjs.com/package/rn-update-apk / https://github.com/mikehardy/react-native-update-apk - it's fixed and released there with an...