Mike Hardy

Results 1618 comments of Mike Hardy

TODO list for me as I look at this - [x] eliminate string checking from this PR / the new implementation - it appears that the previous string checking that...

I'm busy rest of the day today but will merge this tomorrow morning my time (about 16hrs from now?) assuming no one sees anything dire Then I can do the...

Fantastic, thanks again @krmanik - I'll do what I can on David's suggestion then merge this and do some careful runs of the i18n sync afterwards. There is always some...

> Just to confirm: it was good to go before and is still good to go prompted great additions though, much appreciated

Okay - now bear with me while I do the first couple runs. I *know* that it will do some html-entitification on the first run as I've seen it locally...

This is still useful, it just requires really careful testing. I'd prefer to have the bugfix release cycle for 2.16 done first and tackle this early in the 2.17 cycle...

I believe it is *mostly* disabled, however I seem to remember that the debug APK vs the release APK was quite a different size indicating there is still part of...

Not stale - dormant because of too much work on my end and prioritizing scoped storage but this will all happen. JS addons are the future and this is the...

The JS AddOn series needs to stay open. It is perfect for 2.17 once storage is finally done

Desire aside, the only workaround appears to be as described: disable native animations Alternatively, the fix [commit link](https://github.com/facebook/react-native/commit/2f58e520061a31ab90f7bbeef59e2bf723605106) shows it is on the react-native 0.71 stable branch, which is on...